This is a useful tool to practice spending time in prayer during our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting (and beyond!)
Take time to pray through the following prompts. You can set a timer for each section. For 30 minutes of prayer, set your timer for 3 minutes.
Take time to pray through the following prompts. You can set a timer for each section. For 30 minutes of prayer, set your timer for 3 minutes.
1. Praise & Worship
Begin by singing a worship song you know by heart, or by praying simple prayers of praise beginning with the phrase “God, you are…”
2. Quiet Your Heart
Take time to create space for God’s activity. This includes quieting your body by taking long, slow breaths, setting aside any distracting thoughts, and focusing your attention on God.
3. Confess Guilt & Sin
Ask God to reveal to you ways you have sinned against Him, others, and even yourself.Whatever was revealed, and whatever you were already aware of, ask God for forgiveness. Thank God for His mercy, grace, and forgiveness.
4. Pray the Lord's Prayer
Pray the prayer Jesus gave us: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Yourkingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:9-13
5. Be Still & Listen
Take a break from talking, and instead focus on the presence of God with you while listening for what He may have to say. Like a good friend, sometimes God cares for us by speaking and sometimes God cares for us by simply being present with us.
6. Pray for Your Home
Pray for those you live with or would consider family. As you do, refer to each individual by name and pray specifically for their needs and circumstances.
7. Pray for Church & Community
Pray for the Life Group and ministry team you are a part of, as well as the elders and staff who shepherd and serve our church family. Then, pray for your neighbors by name and needs you are aware of in your community.
8. Pray for The Sent
Pray for our local outreach partners, missionaries, and church planters around the world. Pray that God would give them increased passion, strength, and joy as they bless and share the Gospel with the communities they serve.
9. Thank Him
Think of a current part of your life that feels sweet. Consider and celebrate its goodness with gratitude to God.
10. Declare Your Amen
Believe that God has heard you and will answer you. “Amen” means “It is true and sure, so shall it be.” Conclude this time by praying, “Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”