Is my gift tax deductible?
Yes, all financial contributions to Abundant Life Church are tax deductible.
Yes, all financial contributions to Abundant Life Church are tax deductible.
Do I need an account to give?
Yes, to set up online giving, you will need to create a PushPay giving account. You can begin this process by creating a new gift above, and the system will walk you through the quick and easy process.
Yes, to set up online giving, you will need to create a PushPay giving account. You can begin this process by creating a new gift above, and the system will walk you through the quick and easy process.
Can I give assets to ALC?
Contributions of stock and cryptocurrency are a tax-efficient way for you to give! When you give an asset directly to ALC, you pay $0 in capital gains taxes. Just click Give, then select Cryptocurrency or Stocks from under “How would you like to give?”
What is PushPay?
PushPay is the secure giving platform utilized by Abundant Life Church to process electronic gifts.
Contributions of stock and cryptocurrency are a tax-efficient way for you to give! When you give an asset directly to ALC, you pay $0 in capital gains taxes. Just click Give, then select Cryptocurrency or Stocks from under “How would you like to give?”
What is PushPay?
PushPay is the secure giving platform utilized by Abundant Life Church to process electronic gifts.
What is a tithe?
Tithing is the spiritual practice of giving back to God the first 10% of all we earn. It is a practical, consistent, and tangible way that we can put God first in our lives, and clearly establish our priorities and who we are serving.
What is an offering?
An offering is a gift given over and above the tithe. These gifts are given for the purpose of extending the Kingdom locally and globally, helping care for those in need, and to strengthen the ministry taking place at ALC.
Tithing is the spiritual practice of giving back to God the first 10% of all we earn. It is a practical, consistent, and tangible way that we can put God first in our lives, and clearly establish our priorities and who we are serving.
What is an offering?
An offering is a gift given over and above the tithe. These gifts are given for the purpose of extending the Kingdom locally and globally, helping care for those in need, and to strengthen the ministry taking place at ALC.
Will I receive a giving statement?
Yes, you can access a giving statement through your Church Community Builder account. To login or create your account, Click Here.
Once logged in, go to the Schedules / History tab, click the Giving Statement button, select Family or Individual, select the Quick Date Range you want to include (ie. Last Year), then Run Report.
Yes, you can access a giving statement through your Church Community Builder account. To login or create your account, Click Here.
Once logged in, go to the Schedules / History tab, click the Giving Statement button, select Family or Individual, select the Quick Date Range you want to include (ie. Last Year), then Run Report.