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Discover ALC

Rediscovering what it means to be a Jesus-Centered Community


Our church community is built around the idea that we’re called to live out God’s Story the way Jesus showed. We’re not converts, but disciples whose allegiance to Jesus leads to a new way of life. That’s a journey, and a journey we can’t do alone.

The Bible teaches us that God places those who truly follow Jesus in a family called the Church. Over the month of March, we’ve been Rediscovering Church and the way in which God adds to specific or local church for our benefit and the advancement of His Kingdom.

Week 1: What is the Church?


There are many things the church isn’t - a building, a website, a brand, a bunch of Christians gathering to drink $5 coffees, nor Christians gathering to sing a few songs and listen to a person talk for 40 minutes. It's not a social network for the purposes of gaining political power, nor a social justice group... The Church is the people of God, filled and led by the Spirit of God, living under the Lordship of Jesus for the purposes of continuing Jesus' mission on earth.

By understanding what the Church is we can be focused on build a church community that looks like Jesus.

Week 2: Why does God join us to specific or local churches?


The Bible teaches us that God places those who truly follow Jesus in a family called the Church – the Universal Church made up of all the disciples around the world throughout time (Acts 2:47). However the Bible also teaches us that God places His disciples in specific or local churches (1 Corinthians 12:18).

God adds us to a local church for four reasons:

  1. Covering (Care and Protection)
  2. Community (Accountability and Discipleship)
  3. Commission (Joining God in His mission on earth)
  4. Commitment (Gathering, Participation and Serving)

Week 3: If God adds us to specific churches, what does that mean for people who are planted at ALC?

68% of Americans claim to be Christians, however only 4% of Americans actually live out their faith the way Jesus showed us. ALC is a community of regular people seeking to live out God’s story the way Jesus showed us. The heartbeat of our church is to help you and our church community become more and more like Jesus and by doing so live the abundant life God designed you for.
We believe Jesus has invited you to become a compelling, missional disciple. One who understands:

  • You’re part of a new kind of humanity
  • Being formed into the image of Jesus
  • Empowered by the Holy Spirit
  • Seeking to see the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Psalm 92:13 tells us, "Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.”

Whether we know it or not, we're all being formed. The story (worldview) about life that we buy into, the relationships we go through life with and the habits that become routines for us conform us the world idea about humanity or transform us into who God designed us to be (Romans 12:2).
As a church family there are 5 keystone or formational habits that we endeavor to make a part of our life together as we seek to become compelling missional disciples that reflect who Jesus is to the world around us.

5 Formational Habits

God wants you to flourish. Are you planted?
Let us know if ALC is your church family or if you’re still on the journey of discovery.